Sanne van Dijk

Sanne van Dijk is a puppeteer and storyteller from Amsterdam. She has a great love for storytelling. For her, stories are a medium for self-reflection and perception of society. Her work is interdisciplinary and combines acting, puppetry and music with her stories.

Sanne graduated from the Theater Academy in Amsterdam in 2006 and has more than 15 years of experience as a performer. She also studied puppetry at the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch in Berlin. The TV production 'Dropje (Doopie)', for which she worked as a puppeteer on the main character, was nominated for the International EMMY Kids Awards 2020. She also played the main character in the sci-fi film Gliese 581, selected for the Imagine Film Festival 2015. She works internationally in theaters and has performed at location-based theater festivals such as Oerol en de Parade.

After years of collaborations in the theater, she is ready to take her own place in the spotlight. In her work, Sanne draws on her own life experiences to explore universal truths that transcend different cultures and societies. Her stories are honest and confrontational. She dares to talk about her own struggles and challenges and challenges the audience to face theirs.

Sanne is working on, among other things, “VLOED”. See all Sanne's Events here:

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